Toxicity of Cancel Culture on Social Media
Some Really Powerful Words
“Social media is one of the greatest yet worse things to happen to civilization. On one hand, it allows people to connect with similar interests who would normally never meet in their entire lives, on the other hand it’s become a space for people to be rude for no reason etc.”
Social media got worse but better at the same time and honestly the world would be better without it, but I think it depends on what part of social media you’re in.
“People are way too sensitive these days and people are getting cancelled from virtually nothing, also nobody knows how to take a joke anymore?”
People will say worse but it’s gone better it helped many lives. I'm not even sure tbh, content-wise I feel like everything has gone up in quality for sure but general entertainment has dropped for some imho (there's still some really good content out there worth subscribing for but not that much as there used to be)
When I started using Twitter I felt like I had to be perfect or I would get cancelled, then I realized that fed social media misrepresentation and the culture of toxic positivity so I stopped. Now I like anyone willing to admit that sometimes they’re a lazy shit, sometimes I am too.
Mindfucker is consumed with social media, I can already tell by how many times they has to argue with people on Twitter like a dumbest person ever existed.
Often the very things we call “lazy” is just a human being wanting to not be productive 100% of the time, which is normal. We’ve been fooled into thinking otherwise and it makes zero sense, no other creature is like this.
"Being perfect on social media sounds boring, exhausting and too much work." I said. Hell, sometimes you need to take a break from things and indulge in some long-overdue laziness.
My anxiety monster tends to roar at me that "I’m not doing enough" when I’m "being lazy". I have to slay it with the truth that lazyness aka resting is necessary. Calm your shorts and watch a show! Also, spending a few days being lazy ay eff is ok too! (also... still in a pandemic)
This is so true. Be yourself and be positive when you are capable to do so! You’re health is just as important. You don’t have to fake being happy everyday. Just let peeps know what’s up, and take as much time as you need to get back into things.
“Way to represent us recreational slobs!”
I know I’ve recently been struggling with productivity, but the rest I’ve gotten and the time I’ve been able to spend has helped me get back into the spirit of being getting things done well.
Social media platforms are cancelling Independent Media by burying us beneath Corporate Media. Negative loud and angry tweets are annoying, but try being silently cancelled by FB Ad Revenue and YouTube Search. Now, that’s the “Cancel Culture” that crushes families and small media.
I miss when social media was more focused on genuine interaction and support. Hate follows, cancel culture and impressions-at-any-cost matter more than everything else lately. It’s not just streamers, it’s companies and brands too. It’s really disappointing.
- I’m at a pro authors’ annual event and as usual I feel slightly on safari among the relatively normals. There is a lot of (intelligent) discussion of cancel culture and wider social media wars but it’s all so, well undesperate and external.
- Nobody’s being run out of their digital backyard by 14-year-old discourse warriors or getting piled on for being a homophobe because they stan the WoC character instead of shipping the white boy leads.
- There is a lack of people in battered flak jackets with thousand-yard-stares muttering about queerbaiting, destielgate or the five billion brain cells they lost in the “Dread Acronym” wars of the mid-2000s.
- There’s probably someone else here who knows what shipping is, probably because I told them in 2015 or something. Then again of course one never knows about people but sometimes one is fairly confident.
- There is a certain awareness that there are strange, passionately overcommitted types doing strange things in the bowels of the Internet somewhere, and that this underlies some of the ructions in the ya world in particular.
- Well, behold my gentle friends I stand before you with the scars of the acronym wars upon my soul, could you but parse them.
- (How glorious it was to welter in that early wave of catastrophic sploodge, unaware that the level of insanity then plumbed was soon to become the default level of interaction on most of the internet.)
- But fandom experience is so divorced from the ‘normal’ that there isn’t enough of a shared frame of reference to make it possible to meaningfully refer to the former in the context of the latter. I feel this shouldn’t be the case in 2021, but apparently it is.
- I feel possessed of profound secrets that I am concealing from my peers concealing them in the way you are concealing something when you know that if you crayoned it on a huge sign and ran around screaming still nobody would get it.
- Not that I am currently passionately overcommitted to anything, which I am aware of as an increasingly serious problem. One does not feel whole when not passionately overcommitted to something.
- (Adult She-Ra fandom was a dozen f/f shippers plus me squeeing about Entrapta, which was a pretty good deal for a wee while but a little snack rather than enduring love.)
- I did get kudos from three different people on 10 different Sherlock fics yesterday and whoa someone has clearly recced me and whoever you are ilu.
- Until then, here I am wandering around in the mildness.
I think it's basically true that "cancel culture" is a phenomenon that's almost entirely confined to social media, specifically Twitter. But really, that insignificance reflects at least as poorly on the people who engage in "cancelling" as on those who complain about it. If it doesn't have any real world consequences then stop doing it!
One of its best points is that “cancel culture or its associated patterns, due to its general ineffectiveness against actually powerful people, tends to just backfire and ruin expression and health of oppressed people with no real benefit to them.”
- Cancel culture is truly a toxic phenomenon in the age of social media.
- Cancel culture is the stupidest thing to ever exist through social media.
- Social Media is a very dangerous place, people don’t fact check anything. Someone could come up with the most outta pocket story and as long as it rubs people the wrong way cancel culture is on you, we need to do better.
- To be fair I always felt cancel culture was a new term to describe human behavior. Before social media the only people who received criticisms were celebs and public figures and they had PR firms that helped with their image and do damage control.
“I really and truly hope our generation can fix cancel culture and uphold due process in the world of social media. The fact that anybody can be cancelled for even just suggesting fixing a broken system says it all.”
Is Social Media Better or Worse Than It Was 10 Years Ago?
This is an interesting question because the internet has helped a lot of people but also has helped spread toxicity, but imma pick worse since this is Twitter. It's worse on twitter but tbh other parts of the internet has calmed down.
It really depends. In a way, the fact that more people uses internet has created really good things:
- Accountability
- Making money online
- Learning from experts around the world
- Been more aware of what it’s happening around the world
But it also accentuates the bad in humanity.
I would say it changed, it has gotten both better and worse in different ways even it’s difficult to chose “better” or “worse” for the overall state of social media these days, I feel like there are so many positives and negatives.
Social media has gotten better in the terms of it, being more effective and able to spread more information around to anyone but it has also gotten worse because some of the people who use social media don't use it wisely and tend to spread negativity and harass others.
Its gotten better in the sense that it helps spread important information which we would not know in our own day to day lives, we can hear the voices of others that are often silenced by the media we are given. “Its good, but it’s also bad for the same reasons, very toxic.”
Vines are non-existent and most influencers aren’t as good as the ones from 10 years ago. Not saying all newer influencers are bad but yeah, I prefer the older ones and some newer ones.
Don’t forgot about the existence of some apps like TikTok and the increasing amount of people that spend their entire lives on some apps like redditors and people who comment under every Twitter thread.
I would argue that what gets called "Cancel Culture" these days is mostly just rich or powerful people facing a level of critical reception that people just couldn't give before social media, that they would have if they had the opportunity. Its mostly just consequences.
Honestly, the way cancel culture is scares me. It scares me in terms that people online may not be able to feel like they can like something without someone attacking them for liking it. Also what scares me is the thought of these "ultra" stans in cancel culture in the real world.
I wanna keep emphasizing publicly that though cancel culture often stands for the oppressed that were ignored and smothered prior to social media, cancel culture can also often can ostracize people for simply not representing a leftist view, and that latter side of it is unacceptable.
“Social media is a half for me. I’m glad people are spreading more awareness of various topics than before, but its just worse. Hard to explain!”
I have never been one who likes social media, or thinks that everyone’s (including myself) opinions should be taken seriously and as dogma so it is hard for me to even write this but I’m worried; the fragile nature of our world created by cancel culture is killing uniqueness.
I no longer care to be that famous anymore. In this social media lead society. Any-and-everything you say is up for being cancelled if it’s deemed “unlikable”. While there are some benefits to “cancel culture” I feel that it does more harm than good.
- You can't push for freedom of opinion on social media and then harass and bully those who disagree with you. In that case you're just saying you only want freedom of opinion if it is your opinion. That's really not much different than the cancel culture crowd.
- Sharing your thoughts and either reasonably disagreeing with someone else’s thoughts or just, you know, ignoring and moving on, isn’t hard.
- People always wanna fight. If you actually want freedom of thought to be accepted, you gotta be big enough to do that as well.
- And if seeing opinions that differ from yours triggers you so much, then maybe you need to strengthen your own stance. I can't imagine having a confident stance on something and then getting offended if someone disagrees.
Who cares?
“People get easily offended these days because of the current culture society has. It’s the poor me, look at me, feel sorry for me, my feelings are hurt, etc. It’s sad that people cannot disagree without being called a name or a label.”
It’s just sad and pathetic if someone gets but hurt because they don’t agree with you on your opinion. “The beauty of opinions is that one persons opinion is never the same for other people.” It would boring if everyone agreed.
I see this all the time, people being big time hypocrites calling out racism while being super racist themselves or calling something cultural appropriation while literally utilizing a culture that they weren’t born into. I find this mindset very odd and I feel people should.
“Reflect more on themselves rather than others. Yes I have done this myself, but I try to be aware of it because I do not want to be a hypocrite.”