Time Heels

focus of your daily lives

MHMTID Community
3 min readNov 11, 2020

"Tau sih healing takes time, tapi kok ya lama banget?"

Kalo kata psikolog, kurang tepat kalo dibilang "time heals" everything.

It’s not time that heals your pain, it’s processing it in the correct way and transforming it into something “neutral” — it might still be there but it won’t be as intense.

"Time makes you bury the pain or put it aside, you learn not to let it be the focus of your daily lives"

Tapi kalau nggak diproses dengan bener, dia bisa muncul kembali dalam berbagai bentuk. Ada yang bikin kesel terus tiba² “meledak” atau kita bisa tiba² sedih banget karena hal yang sepele. Bisa jadi itu luka lama yang belum sembuh dan “terbuka” lagi saat ketemu triggernya itu bisa kebawa terus seumur hidup.

"Healing Process" is not linear, bisa aja ngerasa udah baik² aja tiba² besoknya bangun pagi ambyar lagi. Bukan artinya kita stuck, emang prosesnya maju mundur it’s normal kalo kata anak² PR

"Keep going, the only way out is through" — gitu

Dulu pernah punya luka yang nyembuhinnya it takes over 2 years, kebayang?

2 Tahun dan itu harus rutin konseling ke expert’nya supaya proses healing-nya bener dan nggak menimbulkan trauma yang berkepanjangan

Best thing I ever spend my money on, bener² life changing.

2 years :

  • I learned to take care of myself
  • To show up for myself
  • To love myself enough to walk away from situations that or not healthy for my mental health

Lebih percaya sama diri sendiri kalo kita akan baik² aja apapun yang terjadi. Sakit dikit gpp, I can always get up and walk again no matter what the fuck people say about ourself.

Somebody has said, "orang ngeliat kepribadian lu aneh, tp gw yang kenal lu lebih lama paham karakteristik lu"

Bukan soal karakteristiknya, orang intervert kadang ngga butuh orang lain buat sandaran beban pikirannya — beda dengan orang yang punya kepribadian sebagai extrovert.

Orang introvert cenderung mendam masalah, ngga mau oranglain tau masalah hidupnya — apalagi sampe ngumbar personal life'nya, lebih ke prinsipal.

“Lama amat healing process sampe 2 Tahun?”

Healing luka tiap individu beda², support system lingkungan terdekat punya effort besar buat cepat recovery’nya.

Aku struggling sendirian, mainly tentang diri sendiri. Ada kesalahan² yang menghambat proses healing tapi itu juga pembelajaran yang berharga.

Now I know what not to do next time.

It might be still be there but it won’t be as intense, tapi setiap kali keinget masih berasa. I am obsessed with that "neutral" word or “meh” — I counted the days when I could look back to the incident and said “meh” — I finally did it.

Ada yang pernah ngomong :

"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed, it means the damage no longer controls your life"

It’s not about how much time has passed, but it’s about what you do with that time as well. Things like "trauma" and grief don’t disappear, it can get less prickly — turn fuzzy, and or become a little easier to cope with but it never truly goes away.

IMHO = "In My Humble Opinion"

“We just learn to build our life around it by developing different perspectives and taking active steps towards acceptance and healing.”

There are times when something happens and it pulls us back into that dark space, but then eventually we go back to our life's "new normal"

Ngga pernah mau nyepelein trauma atas suatu hal, kadang orang awan dengan entengnya ngasih respon :

"halah segitu doang, dibikin have fun ajalah hidup cuma sekali ini"

That "halah segitu doang" words hit me so fucking damn hard — be kind of people in a world where you can be anything

Hidup seseorang ngga se'tai itu buat dibecandain.

If you think you can’t get rid of a certain feeling, just bury it then. It’s still there, but it won’t affect you. — “It’s as the same as physical pain then"

Ngga semua orang introvert itu aneh dan kelewat pendiem, kenali pribadinya dan ajak ngomongin hal² yang sekiranya satu frekwensi baru menghakimi masa lalunya.

It's not that hard isn't?



MHMTID Community
MHMTID Community

Written by MHMTID Community

"Beautiful Trauma: (Chapter. 1-5)" available now!

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