The Impact of Bullying
Recognise the Effects
Last week, someone I knew was held at many schools across the Perth. Name calling is a kind of bullying. So, this time I took a deep look into it as a subject.
There are four types of bullying :
- Physical :
Hurting someone’s body or possessions. It includes hitting or kicking, spitting, tripping or pushing, destroying or taking someone’s property
- Verbal :
Saying or writing mean words to or about someone
- Social :
Hurting someone’s reputation or relationships
- Cyberbullying :
Bullying using electronic devices.
“According to the YRBS’s 2015 (20.2%) of high school students reported being bullied on school property and 15.5% had been electronically bullied”
Bullying does not have to be restricted to one type and in many cases, will include multiple forms of harassment.
Anyone can be bullied and anyone can bully others. Many of us experience both sides at some point in their lives. It’s important to think about the role of intersectionality in bullying. People with disabilities, of color and face higher instances of bullying.
Bullying specially at a young age, is a very complex topic and it is difficult to pinpoint the exact risk factors on either side of the issue
- Children who are bullied may feel isolated
- Bullying can make the target feel helpless or weak
- They can fear repercussions from the perpetrator, fear being judged, fear rejection from peers or feel socially isolated
- Bullying can have long-term effects on both the person being bullied and believe it or not the bully
- These include mental health issues like depression, anxiety, self-harm and body dysmorphia
At the most extreme, bullying can lead to suicide. Mental health issues often affect the child’s physical health, academic performance and relationships.
The bullies themselves are at risk of further violent and dangerous behavior into adulthood.
There are very good reasons not to label a child as a “bully” as it can be a harmful label. Being labelled a bully may discourage those children from seeking help to improve their behavior.
Effective bullying prevention and actions against it must involve everyone in the community.
All of us must take a strong stance against bullying :
- We need to encourage a value and respect for diversity, educating ourselves and those around us and also building and maintaining safe spaces for underrepresented communities to report and seek support from bullying
- We all have the power to speak up against bullying and treat each other with kindness, respect and compassion
If difficult or impossible in person, taking a stance against bullying is achievable online in various forums, such as if-me.
Nowadays bullying affects a lot of people. You never realize how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
This is what you have to do if you suffer bullying :
- Calm down. Bullies love nerve reactions
- Avoid being alone with the Bullie, stay with your friends
- You have to be confident, show no fear and believe in yourself
- Tell a person you trust what is happening to you
I don't know why people can be so fucking cruel. What do we get from bringing people down? So many hateful words were all said to the victims.
When I was 12, I chose to not be defined by those words. I chose to be strong, to be invincible, to be powerful and use my voice to tell you that if you’ve ever been "Bullied" (you are not alone).
Each and everyone of you is different on your fucking own ways, that’s ok.
Be different, be bold, be you. That’s what makes you unique from everyone else. And you are all beautiful in your fucking own way. So, don’t let anyone make you feel ugly, because you’re perfect just the way you are.
To all hatters and bullies out there "Think Before Post"
What we say to each other matters you never know what someone else might be going through.