Recognize Triumph Over Oppression

Written by Andi Bazaar, Jwan Höffler Conwall, Clayton Eūridicé Schofield, Benjamin Schenkkan Joseph, José Schenkkan Joseph | July 5, 2024

MHMTID Community
10 min readJul 5, 2024

“Don’t let stigma of mental health create self-doubt and shame. Your condition is not a sign of personal weakness, seek counseling and support from others to help you gain self-esteem and overcome destructive self-judgment.”


People used to walk all over me and judge me very easily, these were people I considered very close friends. So now I’m very protective of who I consider a friend because people turn so easily on you or just use you, no time for that bs!

People will judge you easily by just seeing how you interact with them, I always want to see good in people. That’s why as much as possible, I won’t judge them easily.

It ain’t my fault people easily confide in me because they find me helpful, a good listener, and I’m not judge mental. It has always been a fact that we can’t please everyone, some people may not like you for who you are and there are some who would judge you easily.

Never judge someone easily, you don’t know anything about their life. There are many people who are silently fighting their battles. Please be kind, you guys don’t know the mental health struggles of the people around you. They are fighting their battles silently.

“people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — be kind to one another.

Not to sound corny but it’s never wrong or stupid to be kind, people who take advantage of your kindness are always wrong for that, 100%. Don’t ever let miserable people try to bring you down for still having kindness to share.

Be the reason someone believes in good people. Accept yourself as who you are, accept others as who they are. It hurts to see good people get beaten into submission by the negativity of the internet, not everyone is built to just ignore it or suck it up.

Words matter, feelings matter, it doesn’t take much to be kind or better yet not say anything at all if you have nothing good to say.

You are allowed to ask for help, even for the things you feel like you should be able to handle yourself. Sometimes we don’t realise how much we expect of ourselves until it gets too much. Be kind to yourself and keep talking to people.

Be grateful, be kind, and be loving. Not just on “Valentines Day” but all days and use every excuse to remind the people near to you that you love them. Love is one of those words that can’t be heard enough.

Be kind to yourself, I know this day can be hard. You will always have people thinking of you, I am one of them. So please, be kind and let them know that their presence mean something. Good morning good people, I’m so proud of you.

Adopting a healthy mindset can make all the difference, for today’s I opens up about that uncomfortable topic of dealing with fears and insecurity as a human being.

“I’m in Greece right now working on some new stuff, I knew that I wanted to write something to you this week but I didn’t know. If I should open up about this particular topic whenever I book a job, I go through my various stages of processing my accomplishment. It usually goes something like surprise then excitement then anxiety and finally gratitude.” — Henrie Louis Friedrich

The anxiety stage is that particular topic I was talking about, I doubt my own talent, dislike my physical self and overall allow that insecurity to seep into my work which is honestly the worse thing that can happen.

I recently spent weeks doing a similar thing in therapy with the key words being “am I too much.” — ADHD folks end up with so much self doubt and insecurity, it’s heartbreaking.

First of all, I really wanna talk about “Body Dysmorphia,” this thing really had me thinking I was everytime I post some pic on ig’s and I was a solid 215lbs of beef.

I rarely open up or show vulnerability here is because of some nasty and mean ignorant comments. Having followers doesn’t mean you’re immune to insecurities, self-doubt, mental health disorders, etc. We’re all human and we all struggle. Always chose to keep going. “Be kind or fuck off.”


“If anything having more followers would exacerbate any insecurities because you’re open to more criticism, people are weird and for some reason don’t know how to be kind to others.”


“It really baffles me how people really jump at the chance to be cruel or mean to someone who’s never once even looked at them funny. Truly, sometimes it ok to read and just keep scrolling or block them if you don’t want to see the tweets you don’t have to engage and be weird mean.”


“Why do people just suck? Sorry people can’t just let others live their life in peace, just remember there are people out there who care about you and want you to succeed live your best life the way you want to, not how others want you to.”


“Yeah exactly. I don’t get it.”

It’s ok to show vulnerability, because that makes you relatable. When you open up and talk about your every day struggles, that makes you real. Warmest hugs!

“What’s the difference between Self-doubt and Humility? Not a joke set up, really trying to figure out the difference.”

It depends on your definitions, but I would say one is a form of insecurity and the other a sign of strength. If you truly know yourself, you needn’t fear being wrong because being wrong brings learning. You don’t fear failure because it’s an opportunity for growth.

  • “Self-doubt” is a fixed mindset and rooted in insecurity, fear and often ends up being a barrier. “Humility” is a changed mindset and stems from curiosity and the ability to continue to be open, flexible, question, explore, learn or try new things and often ends up being a way forward.
  • “Self-doubt” means you’re not sure if you’re any good, even if you are. “Humility” means you may know you’re good, are always willing to get better but don’t assign being good as who you are as a human or to use it to be braggadocious or hold it over anyone else’s worth.

I would say that self-doubt lacks a greater perspective of self-achievement and what others are struggling with, where humility is grounded in the fuller perspective of the whole of one’s strengths and weaknesses.

Also, I can decribe “Humility” some kind of embracing the fact that I don’t have all the answers. “Self-doubt” is thinking there’s something wrong with me for not having all the answers.

Meanwhile, self-doubt is an arrow inward — focusing on your personal capability. Humility is an understanding of the whole and is more about the perspective of how your capability fits into that.

I feel self-doubt as self-sabotage, as another voice in my head coming from me telling me I’m not good enough, maybe I shouldn’t be doing it. Humility is what I feel when I empower myself with pep talks like “work hard, you might not be there, but work will pay off.”

Self-doubt for me looks like writing to prove myself to someone (or not writing at all). Humility stems from confidence and feels like the freedom to play and create without *needing* others to give me the feedback I want to hear.

Self doubt is “my worth is tied to my performance (and I’m going to fail).” Humility is something like “my worth has very little to do with this at all, and it doesn’t matter so much if I fail, but I get to try!”

It’s hard to not compare in a world saturated with images of people being happy and having everything, but it’s imperative you do.

We’ve all got our inner compass that will guide us to where we need to be. That’s not my job as a coach to help you find that inner compass, I just want to give you that push when you feel like giving up or stuck.

To remind you you aren’t alone in this journey, if I can overcome my traumas, my inner battles of self doubt and belief so can you!

There are a lot of factors that can disrupt your business, but self-doubt can sabotage it in a very personal way. You have to learn how to overcome self sabotage in a good way.

I want to help folks overcome creative self doubt as it fucked me up for so long. Practical philosophies, spiritual nature and creative self-development (my main obsession), to live a fun and engaging life.

Man, if I was able to lie to myself as well as can maybe I could overcome crippling self doubt and imposter syndrome.

Personally for the longest time, I’ve had trouble with social cues due to “Asperger’s Syndrome.” — Not to mention, I’ve dealt with a lot of heartbreak but introspection over time and keeping some goals in mind has helped me overcome my self-doubt.

I say find something that interests you that takes a certain level of discipline to master and practice it as much as you can. Maybe find an instrument to play and perfect that shit, that is something that can boost confidence and a good starting point.

Today I’m out for a beautiful walk with my dog, feeling less than my best. “Anybody else out there have days where they feel on top of the world and then are suddenly overcome with self-doubt?”

Don’t let stigma of mental health create self-doubt and shame. Your condition is not a sign of personal weakness, seek counseling and support from others to help you gain self-esteem and overcome destructive self-judgment.

  • You can learn how to retrain your mindset so that it is not negatively self-centred and dominated by doubt, this guide is an accumulation of tactics I did to overcome my shyness and self-doubt.
  • Believing in yourself is foundation for others to start believing in you. When you feel confident and project that confidence, people will naturally be drawn to you. When you believe in yourself, you can overcome self-doubt and have confidence to take action and get things done.


“I am brave, enough, worthy, talented. I believe in myself, I know my potential.”

I haven’t been sharing much work online the past few months for many reasons burnout, self-doubt and insecurity but more importantly I’ve been restructuring my relationship with it to be a healthier and more sustainable one.

Too many times our amazing ideas are crushed by the heels of our insecurities, lack of faith and self doubt. Our seeds (ideas), remains dormant in our minds, never having the opportunity to blossom.

Insecurities, self-doubt, what ifs, but I trust my self. I’m braver than before, I know I can do it with the best version of myself for now.

You can have humility without having self doubt. “Self-doubt” you have a tendency to question your capabilities, my thoughts. In short, humility is growth mindset and self doubt is fixed mindset. I am firmly wedged in the latter but working real hard to relocate.

I think I’m at that point after a few weeks of on and off feeling lots of insecurity, self-doubt and imposter syndrome where I can tap into what’s underneath (continuous background sadness) and be like “oh wow, so I can feel these things and not believe I’m a failure?”

It always feels so strange to pinpoint the story and emotionally detach from it, like finding out I’ve been wearing fake skin and taking it off and feeling the cold and the dampness in my real skin.

Your body wants to do one thing: it wants to keep you alive. So, when you find yourself in a place where you’re comfortable your instinct is to stay there. The thing that keeps you comfortable is fear and fear can come in many forms like self doubt, insecurities and overthinking.

Everyone wants to criticise someone who is taking more action than they are, they do it to deflect their own insecurities and self doubt.

When you lack confidence, it invites fear, insecurity and self-doubt. You often avoid difficult goals and are more easily distracted about what could go wrong which often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You got to fight self-doubt and insecurity the same way you would go at your sibling when you felt they disrespected you. Can’t let it get the best of you no matter what, same principle just one’s meant to annoy the other’s meant to destroy. It’s so tough ik but it gets better.


Andi Bazaar (Writer)

Mark J. Levstein (Co-Editor)

Yevhn Gertz (Director of Photography)

dr Oliver Schofield, MD (Consulting)

dr Seth Gryffen, MD (Consulting)

dr Khaan, MD (Consulting)

Timothée Freimann schofield (Photographed)

Clayton Euridicé Schofield (Editor / Journalist / Co-writer)

Scott Wynné Schofield (Publicist)

Henrie Louis Friedrich (Analyst)

Jwan Höffler Conwall (Art Interior Design / Co-writer)

Hugo-licharré Freimann (Ass Director)

Shot at GQ’s Studios by José Schenkkan (Co-writer) and Benjamin Schenkkan Joseph (Co-writer)

In appearance by “Gregory O’Connor Jr” (Model)

In collaboration with “The Me You Can’t See UK” (TMYCSUK) / @tmycsuk



MHMTID Community
MHMTID Community

Written by MHMTID Community

"Beautiful Trauma: (Chapter. 1-5)" available now!

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