Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)
Written by Andi Bazaar | May 31, 2022
For people with mental health issues, the social stigma and discrimination they experience can make their problems worse and making it harder to recover.
It may cause the person to avoid getting the help they need because of the fear of being stigmatised.
Remember that other people’s judgements often come from a lack of understanding rather than anything else, these judgments are made before they get to know you. So do not believe that their views have anything to do with you personally, do not define yourself by your illness as other people might. Instead of saying ‘I'm schizophrenic’, say ‘I have schizophrenia’. There is power in language.
Sometimes if you hear or experience something often enough, you start to believe it yourself and try not to let other people’s ignorance influence the way you feel about yourself.
Mental Illness is not a sign of weakness and is rarely something you can deal with on your own, talking about your mental health issues with healthcare professionals will help you on your road to recovery or management.
Joining a Mental Health Support group either online or in person can help you deal with feelings of isolation and make you realise that you are not alone in your feelings and experiences.
- think about the worst trauma you’ve ever faced.
- what did you gain from the experience?
- who are you now, for having experienced it?
- was it really a trauma?
- was it the experience you needed, in order to uncover a strength about yourself that you never knew existed?
How you approach a situation, can drastically impact the end result, we all have things we need to do but don't necessarily want to do.
- If you tackle tasks with a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) you’re setting yourself up for success.
- If you approach your tasks with a negative mindset, you may be successful some of the time but it is unlikely.
In life you have choices, there is enough negativity in this world. Make a choice to live your life with a positive mindset and watch how the world around you changes.
“you never know what doors could open up for you.”
Invalidating someone with their mental health struggles is not a joke, a person who I admired invalidated my whole mental illness situation and my existence just yesterday. In my opinion, this is not a joke and they crossed the line in disrespecting me.
Today if I ignore this, people won’t take mental illnesses like depression seriously and will continue to make jokes about it.
“A person with an illness knows how much suffering it causes to your body, people die from it and people lose hope in living normal lives again.”
You should never invalidate someone's suffering if you can't see it and In response, I'll be cutting off that person from my life even if it was my coping mechanism. I'm choosing boredom over hanging out with that person.
It was hard for me to end the only coping mechanism that I said sorry to that person and sorting out things with them. Yeah, I am weak. It is easy to talk about what you’ll do but difficult to do, apologies to people who may be thinking what the actual fuck did you say sorry to me.
It’s 2022, y’all go and preach about mental health but then make a stupid of unpopular opinions regarding someone’s mental health and you’re having people agree and disagree on someone else’s mental health?
Mental health is serious and not for someone to have opinions or joke on, disgusting as fuck!
I hope that this short article encourages just one person to give someone a hug, tell them they are loved and appreciated and that it is okay.
Mental Health is not a joke, and for some it is a life or death struggle, be Kind and remember it is okay to be not okay.