Lasting Friendships.
Traits of Integrity
I don’t yet know what this account will become, but I know that putting these thoughts out here will impact my life — Writing these things greatly improves my thought process and I can only hope it gives you some sense of inspiration. Thank you for listening.
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working."
Might be the truest statement ever. I always find my best inspiration while in the process of actually writing.
Nothing so sharpens the thought process as writing down one’s arguments, weaknesses overlooked in oral discussion become painfully obvious on the written page.
People have logically failed to understand ‘the definition of friendship.’ — Someone lied to me about their course so as to fit in my shoes. Little did they know I only needed a friend to share with a meal, or conversation once in a while. Integrity beforeself!
"Everybody's definition of friendship isn't the same." So you have to determine whether you can (or want to) deal with their definition or if yours matters more.
I’m not good at making new friends, cause my definition of friendship and other mf’s definition be different. I really want to know what everyone’s definition of friendship is nowadays.
Aristotle figured there were three kinds of friendships :
- Friendships of Utility : exist between you and someone who is useful to you in some way
- Friendships of Pleasure : exist between you and those whose company you enjoy
- Friendships of the Good : are based on mutual respect and admiration
This is the 13 Essential Friendship Traits :
- I am trustworthy
- I am honest with others
- I am generally very dependable
- I am loyal to the people I care about
- I am easily able to trust others
- I experience and express empathy for others
- I am able to be non-judgmental
- I am a good listener
- I am supportive of others in their good times
- I am supportive of others in their bad times
- I am self-confident
- I am usually able to see the humor in life
- I am fun to be around
"A good friend knows all your best stories, but a best friend has lived them with you." “Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart.” — “There’s nothing like a really loyal, dependable, good friend. Nothing.”
We used to be friends then suddenly weren't anymore.
[sighs] We used to be, we did everything together but now I’m wondering if we’ve spent so much time apart that we don’t connect over anything anymore and if we can’t connect over anything, then maybe we’re not even friends!
I’ve been reflecting so much lately and like I’m at peace in my life right now, but also reminisce on memories with all my old friends so if we used to be close but aren’t anymore just know you probably crossed my mind today and I’m sending love and light.
I’m scared that one day I’m not gonna be in contact with any of you anymore because I’ve had internet friends before but I never talk to them anymore and we used to every day and you guys are amazing.
- I really do not hate you but my disappointment is that you changed and became everything you had promised you would never be
- We’re not close anymore, but I’ll be here if you need me
- I remember when we used to be best friends
We have been at each other‘s throats recently, I don’t want this to be the case anymore. “What do you say we go back to being friends like we used to be?”
If you don’t vibe with me, keep it that way. When I make it big I don’t want to hear “we used to be friends.“
Friends that you can grow with are so important and I mean the ones that understand that as we get older it’s not likely we gonna kick it like we used to. There’s gonna be lots of days we have to take time to work on our craft/careers/families — individually!
I miss the spirit of that time so much, lot of friends left earth since then. Wr used to be so hype to rock a house show. “You remember?”
We used to be close, but people can go from people you know to people you don’t and what hurts the most is people can go from people you know to people you don’t
- I don’t fake niceness for you
- I don’t fake kindness for you
- I don’t fake being unbothered
- I don’t fake staying drama free
- It’s who the fuck I am and it wins me no favors
- I won’t fake shit to be anybody’s friend
- I’m not concerned about who cares
I’m honestly so tired of being a good friend to people who will never choose me, I’m about to step back and let all them fake people pretend to be your friend.
For me, losing "fake and toxic friends" is a win.
- A true friend cares about what’s going on in our life
- A fake friend will make their problems sound bigger
- True friend will always find a way to help us
- Fake friend will always find an excuse
We don’t need negative people in our lives, I’ve been there, done that — so I don’t talk to them no more and I unfollowed them. Best thing is to not be in a toxic friendship anymore and move on to positivity.
"Losing something which is not necessary is always a win."
We don’t lose these toxic fake friends because they have never been our friends in the first place, we gain peace!
- If you have ever judged me for anything you’ve seen guarantee I could change your perspective if given the chance
- If you think I say that because I care what you think, think again. I have zero time for narrow mindedness and have too many good friends to worry about fake ones.
Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like if we’re friends and you feel some type of way about something I said or did you should tell me how you feel and we can get it straight but it’s really fake to just ghost me and start talking about me to other people.
Thanks to Yevhn Gertz for bringing author of the I survived. It’s such a great combination of warmth, inspiration and insight into the writing process.
Follow Me On Social Media :
- IG — @4ndit
- Twitter — @ANDITP
Love, x