Drowning Into Trauma
Written by Andi Bazaar | July 29, 2022
"Society breeds men to be weak purposeless boys completely blind to their potential, we have been stripped of our drive, passion and testosterone. If you want to break free from depression or anxiety, read this!"
It has just been proven that you do not have a chemical imbalance in your brain, you don’t need mind altering drugs to cure depression. It is time for you to accept the reality that you and only you have the power to heal yourself, you have been conditioned to think and live a certain way.
Sit at a desk all day, eat food made in a factory, do drugs, watch porn, play video games, sleep. You aren’t even aware that this is a prison, you are completely blind to the power you possess. "You are a warrior in a cage!"
As Doctor Oliver Schofield says,
“you are biologically hardwired for warfare, you carry within you the dna of men who have conquered and slain others in battle.”
Of course you will be depressed and anxious if you live like a defeated animal in captivity, your body craves war.
- we exist in a tiny blip in history where men do not exist as they traditionally used to.
- we’ve taken warriors and placed them in a reality void of any real meaning and trained them to prioritize pleasure over purpose.
- we are trained to obey inferior mens orders and live a soft life.
Rebel against this, it is time to take action and stop waiting for someone to save you. It is time to lock in on becoming the greatest man you can be, reject weakness and embrace your potential. This is where you start:
Lift weights, be passionate about becoming physically extraordinary. Experience the pain and reward of pushing your body to its limits, gym is the gateway drug to self improvement once you begin this journey you will crave improvement in all other areas, you will look good, your brain and body will feel good and social anxiety will be a distant memory. According to my sources you are 100x less likely to be depressed if you are absolutely shredded and love the physical body you exist in, a beautiful body leads to a beautiful mind.
Your gut and brain are all out of wack, your body hasn’t experienced true nutrition in years machine made slop is turning you into an AI. Whole foods only, home cooked only. Meat, fruit, vegetables, grass fed or raw dairy, raw honey "nothing else." This will make your body and brain feel on cloud 9, you will feel what it’s like to actually be human. Your energy and T will be through the roof, your skin will be flawless. The gut is famously labeled “the second brain,” it has a direct correlation to mental state. You need to heal your gut microbiome to truly heal your mind, more fermented foods, less refined foods. Stay away from refined sugar, soy and lay off the alcohol.
Any living being that is locked in a cage for life will experience symptoms of depression, yet you have voluntarily done this to yourself! When was the last time you spent time outside other than walking from house to car or car to work? You need to reconnect with nature, we are nature. Ground barefoot and allow the earth’s energy to flow through you, grounding has proven healing factors, get sun on your skin daily, it is literally rays of love. It will fuel you with happiness, energy and high testosterone. Go on walks, swim in bodies of water, stare into the sky and off into the horizon, fix your circadian rhythm. Feel what it is like to be alive, the world is beyond beautiful, the earth heals. We are not meant to lock ourselves in our rooms filled with EMF's and artificial dopamine.
Dopamine is your reward system, when you complete a task your brain releases dopamine causing you to feel good. If you abuse this system nothing will make you feel satisfied besides massive dopamine spikes, it works just like a drug. Video games, social media, netflix, weed, alcohol and junk food are all artificial sources of dopamine. Limit these as much as possible, if you can’t eat an entire meal without reaching for your phone you need to detox yourself of this addiction.
Stop placing your awareness in the past and future, these realities do not even exist. You are stripping yourself of the eternal beauty of this present moment, the only moment that exists. This is where you can actually take action, when you look into the future and worry you are literally manifesting that reality. You feel the negativity in real time, you worry more and more attracting this fake reality every day, it is manifestation 101. To become rich you must feel what it’s like to be a rich man, live as if you are already rich, think about how life will be when you are rich, etc. You are doing this with negativity, come back to this moment and dominate with full awareness. Meditate, read, spend time with loved ones, do what you love. Spend as much time doing activities where you experience flow state, keep your future in mind but don’t be consumed by its possibilities.
You need to pursue your potential relentlessly, become the greatest man you can be physically and mentally. Compete, feed the ego, display discipline. Push your body to its limits, be courageous, love hard, demand respect and build an empire. The more you lean into your manhood the more depression and anxiety will simply wither away, it is impossible to be happy existing as something you are not meant to be. Free your mind, develop your own opinions, stay away from mainstream news and be conscious of what you consume. Shift your mindset, accept what might be hard to hear. Depression is strongest in those who identify with it and victimize themselves most, stop believing in it. Stop giving it power, you have more power than you would like to believe. Wake up everyday saying life is beautiful, find a relationship with God regardless of what your definition may be. A life without God is a life without beauty, order and purpose.
I'm not telling you to join a church but find some relationship with the energy or creator behind this universe, we are in good hands. I genuinely want to heal men and help them become their greatest selves, we are in a spiritual war against evil and weakness.
"13% of kids frequently experience significant anxiety and or depression, what can parents do to fix this?" You need to read this:
Kid's mental health conditions are skyrocketing, healthcare's answer is medication. At best this manages symptoms, for many kids it makes the problem worse. The environment you create for your kids has a massive impact on their mental health, if you struggle with anxiety read this:
Once you develop the ability to understand what situations and scenarios trigger your anxiety you can then establish a plan to deal with the triggers, begin by targeting your top 3 triggers. Only move on once you have conquered them.
Exercise is a powerful enemy of anxiety, it aids in improving your mood as well as your overall health. Outline a routine that you can fit into your daily life while gradually increasing the amount you’re doing, 15 minutes can make a difference.
These substances often appear to provide a temporary release from your anxiety however what you will find is that it tends to increase your anxiety in the long term, going cold turkey is hard therefore limiting your use will improve the situation.
This one simple task will improve your entire life, journaling allows the troubles of your mind to be emptied onto a page. This will also help you organise your thoughts and make it easier to take action on them.
The recommended amount of sleep for healthy adults is 7-9 hours each night, a lack of sleep can negatively impact your memory as well as heightening agitation.
- no devices an hour before bed.
- have a night time routine.
- cut caffeine after 3 p.m.
In today’s society a large number of the population only realise the stress they are under once they crack from the pressure, it is important to deal with stress as it arises. Mediation and visual exercises will help you control stress.
This seems straight forward but often people try the latest fad solution instead of dealing with the core problem, if you feel you need to speak with a medical professional then do that. Do not feel embarrassed, they are there to help.
Like the famous snickers ad says "you’re not yourself when you’re hungry.” Eat a balanced diet with set times for meals, this will train your body.
- fish (omega 3)
- spinach/broccoli
- nuts
- tea and coffee (limited)
Action defeats anxiety, anxiety has a lot to do with the fear of the unknown. Wondering thoughts can be corrected and dealing with a problem will always be more productive than letting it fester, take care of yourself and do what gets you through.
If you sleep less than 7 hours a night, read this. Sleeping less than 7 hours a night increases risk of:
- stroke
- diabetes
- depression
- weight gain
- heart attack
- memory loss
- high blood pressure
Follow these 10 habits and you’ll have the best sleep of you life tonight, 3 factors influencing your sleep:
1. Comfort
2. Light levels
3. Temperature
- use blackout curtains (light)
- use an air conditioner (temperature)
- use a high-quality pillow + mattress (comfort)
These investments pay big dividends for your energy.
As mentioned, temperature plays a big factor in your sleep quality. Keep your thermostat set between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit (15.6° - 19.4° Celsius).
Get sunlight for 5-15 minutes after waking up, the sun sets an internal countdown, telling your body it’s the start of the day. This helps regulate your sleep cycle, making it easier to fall asleep at night. Caffeine can kill your sleep quality + quantity, this is because it blocks adenosine receptors.
Adenosine = "The sleep-promoting hormone."
It takes around 10 hours for caffeine to leave your system, go to bed at 10 p.m.? Don't use caffeine past 12 p.m.
4 cups of coffee is no replacement for 8 hours of sleep, avoid late-night exercise. Before sleep, your body prepares by:
- slowing heart rate
- slowing brain waves
- lowering body temperature
- higher heart rate.
- higher levels of arousal.
- higher body temperature.
Avoid exercise 1-3 hours before bed, avoid blue light before bed. Blue light comes from:
- phones
- computers
- artificial lights
This makes our brain think it’s day time and suppresses the sleep hormone, melatonin. Avoid blue light 1 hour before bed but if you have to use tech, wear blue-blocking glasses.
When you engage in activities that turn on the analytical part of your brain, you create "open loops .” Your brain hates unresolved problems, so it’ll keep you up awake trying to find solutions. Avoid this by scheduling a “no work” time at night.
Stimulating activities create open loops, journaling closes them. This is because of 2 reasons:
- writing allows you to actively work through problems and come up with solutions.
- your brain understands your thoughts are stored somewhere safely so it doesn’t have to keep it at the front of your mind.
As a result, your mind is at ease. Research has shown the effectiveness of meditation, just 10 minutes can:
- reduce anxiety.
- reduce heart rate.
- reduce blood pressure.
These all aid in your ability to fall and stay asleep, sleep at consistent times. Your body has an internal clock it follows, if you go to bed late one night and early the next, you’ll throw off your circadian rhythm. So create a schedule you go to bed and wake up at, you’ll fall asleep faster and wake up refreshed.
If you sleep less than 7 hours, follow these 10 tips tonight:
1. Optimize your room
2. Keep it cool
3. Get sunlight
4. Don’t consume caffeine late
5. Avoid late-night exercise
6. Avoid blue light
7. Relax before bed
8. Journal
9. Meditate
10. Sleep consistently
to be continued…