Combating Discrimination: (Pride vs Indignity)
I have family members who told me (to my face) that they will tolerate my lifestyle choices, first off being straight is not a lifestyle choice 'this isn’t veganism.' Second of all don’t do me any favors by tolerating something, free yourself!
Combating discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity:
“some say that sexual orientation and gender identity are sensitive issues, i understand. like many of my generation, i did not grow up talking about these issues but i learned to speak out because lives are at stake."
"mental health is real, depression is real. anxiety is real, suicide is real."
Depression is real and it’s not a joke, seeking for a professional help is not funny. It’s the kindest thing you should give to yourself when you’re suffering with your mental health, please be kind and sensitive. This is not something you should joke around.
Always check up on the people you love, people we love must learn to communicate to us what they are dealing with. Nobody go to the doctor and not tell what is wrong with them, depression with suicidal thoughts it's not a joke and it's real. So, please stop joking about someone’s mental health.
“You can post mental health and suicide prevention hotlines all day, if you really want to help prevent depression, suicides and self-harm try being kinder to others online and in real life.”
“I want to highlight the stigmatisation of mental health issues in general, I have depression and I take medication for it. It’s something I generally hide in real life due to stigma, especially from family relatives and friends.”
I remember confiding my mental health problems to my parents at a young age, they told me to toughen up and just snap out of it. They told me to stop taking anti-depressants, my father actually threw them away and I stopped taking them for a while and my condition worsened.
I remember confiding in a girl that I had been dating for a while that I was depressed, she told me to kill myself and that I was a freak. Nowadays, if I meet someone I usually tell just before the first date. Most of them will block me!
Even on Facebook or Instagram, where I’ve been quite open about my mental health problems I’ve been met with attacks about it from many users.
Luckily, I can say I’m better off than others who have more severe mental issues than me, such as personality disorders. The ones who do, that I know of usually are estranged from family or choose to just hide their pain forever.
Living in America and working there was a double edged sword, you could get anti-depressants at a lower cost but most doctors didn’t take me seriously. Coupled with the general lack of empathy and disgust from people who found out, I think I would have taken my own life in here.
This is not saying that there isn’t stigma in the west but mental health awareness is much more prevalent in Australia, during lockdown here I couldn’t talk to any family members except I could at least try to seek some help via my work or through government assistance. It’s not perfect though and lots of people fall through the cracks. Still, it is many years ahead of my experience in my country. I can only hope it gets better.
I just hope that American people can come out about their issues in real life one day without being labelled as lazy or crazy. Yes, I am aware in the West that mental health has been used by various wrongdoers as an excuse for their actions but they are in the minority.
“Dear homophobes, I hope you’re enjoying your sip of tea because I’m about to spill all of it. This year I don’t want to see or hear or even witness people saying rude and stereotypical comments on the LGBTQIA+ community, I had enough of it last year.”
I don’t want it to continue, “thats gay” or calling someone a “faggot” is enough to everyone! I don't really care if you think it’s a joke or say it because your “friends” say it but it’s pathetic and please learn to use the right terms to tansgenders because I’ve had enough of people using their old gender terms.
If they’re a she then they’re a fucking she ok, don’t call them a “he” just because they were once a guy. They’ve transitioned and deserve the right terms now or if he was a she once then use the term “he.”
It amazes me to see how stupid people can be when it comes to this and just for the record we’re not “different” we’re just into different taste of people. I’m not gay but yeah I’ve had my struggles with my own sexuality.
This year I will not tolerate any more stereotypical comments or homophobic “jokes.” I’ve stayed quiet for too long and have had enough of this society, if my mom or dads side of the family says something negative about being gay I will snap.
I’m sorry if this is a long rant but I just needed to talk about it, people need to be more open minded about LGBTQIA+ people. People in the “closet” deserve to come out comfortably with no pressure, I really hope this pissed off a homophobe. Rant over!
At times, I really hate the black community with an honorable mention to the black male community. "Why do we handle homosexuality like ignorant ass people?" — I can’t stand when folks make homophobic comments and I don’t say anything out of fear that they’ll come after me.
We’re born and bred to hate gay people and it’s a hard thinking to break out of, soon as somebody is deemed gay they automatically have a negative connotation placed on them for the rest of their life. Suddenly, families turn against them and now they name in everybody’s mouth.
I don’t know what it’s like to be bullied for being gay, but I do know what it’s like being bullied because people think you’re gay. When I tell y’all, my first two years of high school were the hardest I’ve ever faced because every day my name was in everybody’s mouth.
Now I suddenly have to watch how I act, what I say and meticulous watch my being because bru thought I was gay. I’m pretty sure I slipped into a whole depression, that was a whole five years ago but it’s still follows me to this day whenever somebody tells me “so and so thinks or thought you were gay,” or if I check somebody on a homophobic comment now asshole think I’m gay.
In all honesty, you all make sick because people who are actually gay have to go through that on the daily. I folded after a year of that and they have to experience their whole life. Shit, let people live their lives and mind your business also nobody cares about y’all ugly, unwanted opinions. Idk why folks feel like somebody needs to hear or are supposed to care about what they say, “shut the fuck up” and go about your day.
Watch, I bet some bitch ass person gonna think I’m gay cause I’m an ally for gay people acting like gay folks can’t have allies. Anyways, my rant is over y’all!
- I can’t stand people who think religion is an excuse for being homophobic, transphobic etc. You’re not being faithful you’re just a dick.
- I can’t stand these people, they’re acting like they didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. Our communities are homophobic as hell and Kevin Hart also Charlemagne knows firsthand since they’ve both made homophobic remarks. These are the same men Lil Nas X was referring to.
- I can’t stand people saying “if a girl likes girls and guys she’s bi but if a guy likes guys he’s gay, no such thing as being bi as a guy. if you like dudes you’re gay period.” — SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU HOMOPHOBIC DUSTY ASS BASIC CIS BITCH!
The question that one guy asked was weird af “why did you feel the need to come out now?” like "why shouldn’t he come out now?" — It’s never not the perfect time for a person to come out and express who they are. The problem is the homophobia Black gay men experience after doing so.
With all the LGBTQIA+ people that are being killed and abused of recent, I hope you can see why saying “I’m not homophobic I just can’t stand them,” is an actual problem.
You fucktard!
As a white man of mainly caucasian descent I would just like to say I really can’t stand most of you other white ass people and I will continue to give all you ignorant, racists, homophobic motherfucker’s shit daily. Y’all are embarrassing.
I promise you you can call out people of your own fandom when they say something ableist, racist, homophobic or any other disrespectful thing as a drag during fanwars don't close an eye or try to justify them only bc they're fighting with that fandom you can't stand.
Two things I can’t stand are racist or prejudice people and homophobic people, I won’t stand for it and sorry not sorry.
I can’t stand when people say “you can’t make jokes anymore” and “people are so sensitive nowadays” when the jokes are just them saying something racist, homophobic or transphobic.
If you’re homophobic, that’s a turnoff. I can’t stand a person who sits and talks about the LGBTQIA+ community as if they aren’t people. “Why the fuck does someone else being gay bother you so fucking much?”
People trying their best not to be homophobic right now because someone’s career is tanking as a result of it, I’m reading between the lines I give it a few more days before people start showing their ass. They can’t stand to see the gay community be supported.
I understand not everybody is comfortable with people being gay, but when it's your family at least try to tolerate it not talk shit.
- If you wanna be happy as a homosexual being, stop seeking acceptance or validation from people around you.
- Accept and love yourself for who you are, family and friends will tolerate you but still throw homophobic remarks when they see other gay people. So do you, for you and I called it "Pride."
Written by Matthew Torre-luccá Schofield
Co-wrote by Andi Bazaar