Brunei Darussalam Implements Stoning to Death Under New anti-LGBTQI Laws
I just read the headline on BBC News : “The first thing that came to my mind didn’t know that Brunei follows the religion of peace”
How can this still exist in our world? We must do something about it
Raise your voices now, spread the word, rise up!
Brunei implements stoning to death under new “anti-LGBTQI” laws : It’s 2019 and this shit is still happening to my fellow “LGBTQI” in other parts of the world!
My heart just sinks due to this cruelty upon (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex) people also those that have family or friends they do stuff with and it’s so wrong.
“This Brunei Darussalam had better change their minds. Boycott definitely! Stoning is like back ancient times and people stoning to anyone. Sultan Hassanal a rather unfortunate name needs to really rethink his laws and embrace modern society”
“Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah” realizes that all notions of individual freedom threaten his lineage’s reality of power Islam, like all other religious belief systems can evolve. But those that are dependant on it not evolving as their source of power will get in the way of it evolving.
No one should be murdered for being who they are. Would it be okay to murder someone based on race or gender?
I don’t believe the solution is to just comply or leave. Countries that violate human rights must be held accountable. Brunei Darussalam doesn’t get a pass because of Sharia Law.
I also don’t believe all of Brunei’s citizens or all Muslim people are anti-LGBTQI
It’s clear that Brunei’s archaic tyrannical government has made these decisions. We’re not talking about a democracy here we’re talking about a country which is ruled over by a Sultan.
This country should be boycotted by all democracies. UN “Human-Rights” wing should pass a resolution against this dictator Sultan.
Disgusting how this can still happen in our modern world, everyone should have the right to Shag who they want!
This is truly horrifying in our current society, and is the unfortunate truth in many places around the globe still.
“We must show this (LGBTQI) group that their way in which they have perverted sex as God created it is not the way, they do many things that harm the community but as they die, only God can decide, not the humans”
To not like someone’s life style choice is one thing, but to start killing people because they are different from you is another thing!